Cybersecurity and Importance

What is Cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity means It's Technique or we say Power of knowledge to Protect systems, Network And Prevent from Cyber Attacks.

 Why Cybersecurity is Important ?   

To give the Explanation of these Question, You know that 92% of World Currency is in Digital format. Yes we are live in Digital World, Here our most of the works are done in single click of button. So we are connected to Internet And I am not wrong to say that It's our Backbone.

Here Is the below link it's shows the live Cyberattacks in all over the world

Cybersecurity is not only Important in this Century, it is necessary. Because Cyberattack Not only harm for an individual person ,It's harmed to millions of People. The Power can be shut down, And services can't be provided to people. And  also the changes in Technology , Now days technology is updated day by day. So it is need to prevent from cyber threats. Even now small companies & businesses are also get help of Cybersecurity.

So our conclusion is, Cybersecurity is not only important , it is need of Today .Due to Cybersecurity we are safe in Digital World. It protects our personal and confidential data, prevents from Cyberattacks.


  1. Nicely explained.

    How can we protect our privacy ?
    From user side What we can do ?

    1. To protect out Privacy first we follow the Basics principle of Password .like In Password includes character , numbers etc.

    2. Here is the detailed Answer ""


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