Password Attack

 What is a Password Attack?

If we want to secure any important data we are keep secure this  data by setting a password. So it is the most widely used technique to  secure a User system is a password. Cracking and obtaining a passwords is a common, but effective attack. Aim is to gaining access to User account and misuse it.

Is it possible to crack a password?

These attacks start with commonly used, weak passwords like Password123, 12345678,Username123, Username@123 etc. And sometimes it work.The time taken to crack the password is depends upon the password strength and  complexity. In most cases, hackers can simply guess the passwords by trying some common information  like the user’s name.

Types of Password Attack

1]Brute force attack
2]Dictionary attack
3]Credential stuffing

Brute force Attack
 A Brute Force Attack is the simplest method to gain access to a site or server (or anything which is password protected). It tries various combinations of usernames and passwords again and again until it get open it.

Dictionary attack
A dictionary attack is a type of cybersecurity attack in which an attacker tries password-guessing technique or method. To break the system, which is password protected, trying  all dictionary words as form of password for that system.

Credential stuffing
Credential stuffing attack is happens, main reason behind this is many users are use same password and username for across multiple sites and accounts .It is  a specific type of hacking that secures user credentials by breaking a system, and then attempts to use those credentials with other systems. Means cyber criminal are used this credentials like username and Password on other sites. It's they have keys to open a many doors. It's could be Instagram account , PayPal account etc.

In this Keylogger attack software is designed , which is record keystroke made by  User. In this Keylogger attack a software is designed , which is record the  keystroke made by  User. keystroke loggers are  record this information that  you type into a website or application and sending to back to a third party.

cyber criminals are send fraud email to Victims , hoping  victim is  reveal's the  personal information. Sometimes they are also send a message that "reset your password" by creating a  clone of site.
If You want know more about phishing click this below  link: 

So in this blog ,see what is Password attack. And how it works. Also we see different types of Password attacks. 
