Denial-of-Service Attack(DOS) & Distributed Denial-of-Service(DDOS) Attack

 What is Denial-of-Service Attack(DOS)?

Is the most common attack in cyber world. An attacker uses a network of hijacked computers.This network is used to  flood the target site with phony server request, the server can't handle the capacity anymore.

The goal of attack is to Overload the server, Bandwidth and other computer sources.

Some types of DOS Attack

  • Bandwidth Consumption
  • Resource Starvation 
  • Plashing

Bandwidth Consumption 
Attacker identify the victim bandwidth engaging other computer to attack victim with higher bandwidth. Attacker attack on victim with higher bandwidth.

Resource Starvation 
In this attack it is damage system resources like CPU, memory, disk, etc.

This is done by causing a permanent damage to the system hardware by sending fraudulent updates to the hardware thereby making them completely unusable. The only solution is to re-install the hardware.

What is Distributed Denial-of-Service(DDOS) Attack?

In DDOS attack lanunched from multiple conncted devices that are distributed acrosss the Internet. Its an attack to make a machine or network resource unavailable to its knowing users by using others computers .DDOS attack uses multiple computer and internet connection.

Types of DDOS Attack

  • Application layer attacks
  • Protocol Attacks
  • Volumetric Attacks

Application layer attacks
Attacks that  exploit a weakness in the Layer 7 protocol stack.It is most advanced attack  and most difficult to identify attack.

Protocol Attacks
These attack is usually exploting a weakness in the Layer 3 and layer 4 protocol stack.

Volumetric Attacks
Attack that use massive amount of traffic saturating the bandwidth of the target.Volumetric  attack is easy to generate. 

Conclusion, In this we see about What isDenial-of-Service Attack(DOS) &  Distributed Denial-of-Service(DDOS) Attack and also see types  so, hope you like the blog . If any suggestions or doubts  then please comment. 
